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Visualising climate change lesson

In this lesson, students explore different approaches to data representation, with the aim of engaging audiences with scientific data. They explore local temperature and rainfall datasets over time and represent trends in innovative ways. Students learn about different ways to visually represent climate change, looking ...


TikTok science stories lesson

In this lesson students learn about the diverse roles of science communicators and are challenged to create their own science communication text in a contemporary medium. Students will explore the important function science communicators play in informing the community and how different communication platforms are used ...


Sniffing out disease lesson

In this lesson, students consider contemporary research approaches to disease identification. First, they conduct an experiment to test how sensitive their sense of smell is and explore how our sense of smell functions. Students then learn about at how animals are trained to use their sense of smell to detect human disease. ...


Lens Simulation (sk- Intel)

Students learn about the application of light refraction by completing a series of tasks based on light refraction using both concave and convex lenses.


Kristian Lang

This 5 minute video segment from Catalyst promotes discussion about the nature and processes of science. Kristian Lang is a science-mad primary school student who won 1st prize in an International Science Film Festival competing against students of all ages right up to university level. He conveys an infectious passion ...


Kids in the Garden, Ep 14: Cacti and succulents

Have you heard of the 'cow crippler', 'living stones', or 'century plant'? In this clip, presenter Nick Hardcastle will take you into the wonderful, wacky and very weird world of cacti and succulents. Find out what they look like, what they need to grow, and how they are different. But most importantly, find out why you ...


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a cockatoo

Meet Charlie, a pet cockatoo. Watch other cockatoos in the wild as they climb, fly and walk around. Discover the reason for the name of the sulphur-crested cockatoo.


Mirrors Simulation (sk-Intel)

Students explore the reflection of light by plane mirrors and operate a simple periscope using ray diagrams.


Termites: Destroyers or recyclers?

Be amazed by what these young scientists find out about termites. Discover where termites live and what they eat. You may be surprised to find out that they are not actually ants, and that they are blind! This video was a finalist in the 2013 Sleek Geeks Eureka Science School Prize competition.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a kookaburra

Watch a wild kookaburra being fed by hand. Don Spencer handles an injured kookaburra that is being nursed to health. It will be set free once it is well again. See where kookaburras make their homes. Listen to their laughing call.


For the Juniors: Where does rain come from?

Rain comes from clouds but do you know how rain gets into clouds? This clip shows how clouds are formed (made). You will see how important the Sun is in making it rain.


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Get Blown Away With This Air Experiment

Substances exist in different states depending on the temperature. Watch the Surfing Scientist have a popping good time as he demonstrates this phenomenon. Don't forget to block your ears!


Catalyst: Predicting earthquakes

Will scientists ever be able to accurately predict earthquakes? Imagine the number of lives that could be saved if this were possible. Dr Maryanne Demasi joins a group of researchers drilling into one of the most earthquake-prone regions on Earth as they try to improve earthquake prediction to add precious seconds to earthquake ...


Friction: Friend or foe?

What part does the force of friction play in our everyday lives? Friction can be an advantage (friend) or a problem (foe). Join interviewer Doug Traction and professors Static, Slide, Rolling and Fluid at the National Tribology Research Centre as they have forceful fun investigating friction. This video won a prize in the ...


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Using a lens to bend light

How can a water-filled plastic straw be used to decode a secret message? Watch as the Surfing Scientist demonstrates how lenses with a curved surface do curious things to light.


For the Juniors: Ways to catch and eat fish

Discover the many ways that people eat fish. Watch how the fish called tuna are caught and made ready for sale. Find out how some tuna is farmed and how the tuna farmer meets the needs of these tuna.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a goanna

Take a close look at the largest of Australia's lizards, the goanna. It is also called a monitor lizard. Observe (look carefully at) these scaly reptiles as Don Spencer describes their features.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a koala

Join Don Spencer as he talks about one of Australia's most popular animals. Observe koalas as they walk, climb and jump to find food in the bush. Discover why koalas rarely drink.


Tough zirconium - but what's its secret side?

The element zirconium is often used for its tough, abrasive properties. It also has a secret side. View this clip (developed by students for the 2013 Sleek Geeks Eureka Science Schools Prize competition), which highlights the properties and uses of zirconium in a highly visual and fun way.


Catalyst: What is a megafire?

Join Catalyst reporter Anja Taylor as she visits the Jemez Mountains in New Mexico and discovers the impacts of recent megafires on the landscape there. What is a megafire? And how is a megafire different from a regular wildfire? How have recent fires permanently transformed the landscapes that Anja and Professor Craig ...